Try to recall the most sick and disturbed persons you have ever read or heard about.Now try to imagine there are persons far worst than the ones you know,torturing innocent people slowly to death, torturing and murdering children, even torturing and murdering animals. That is really difficult to accept for us, normal people as we are.We simply do not want to believe this kind of evil exists, it makes us sick, we may start vomiting when stories so horrible are being suggested, being told.
But it can be even worst. Imagine this evil is related to your government, is being approved, executed, controlled, outsourced by your national secret services including military. It is all hard to believe isn’t it. Unfortunately for your peace of mind these disturbed persons really exist, and unfortunately your national secret services are really involved in these horrible activities. But even more unfortunate are the victims of these horrible crimes.
The new generation of electronic weapons is capable of burning and cooking humans, destroying (exploding) body tissue, or cause heart attacks. This is all possible from large distances (hundreds of meters) and through walls. These weapons are now (2008) being used at large by secret services to eliminate people: incapacitate, drive into suicide, insanity, criminal behaviour, or are just used to cause heart failure, brain damage, etc. They replace knife, bullet, poison, car accidents.
Push button torture & murder – cooking people
Secret services have turned into depots of psychopaths and murderers. It is getting worse. They now recruit people to press the buttons of these electronic weapons, button[1] is cook-a-person, button[2] is simulate-a-heart-attack, button[3] is simulate/cause-kidney-failure.
Can you image a person microwaving someone like a microwave oven cooks meat?
Electronic weapons, capabilities April 2008
Low-power microwave weapons can be hidden e.g. in a shopping bag and are used to distract e.g. by giving you burning sensation, stings, make you burp or fart, blur your vision. High power microwave (HPM) weapons can be installed everywhere and mounted in cars (including your own) and can be used to cook a person like a microwave oven cooks meat, to ‘shoot’ and burn. Most of these weapons can be aimed very precise, that is why they are called Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). From a distance (and through walls) they can hit you, but not the person sitting next to you. Sometimes these weapons are called non-lethal because they are designed to be applied only for a very short period with the intention to incapacitate people or make people get out of the beam, not to kill them immediately. All experts agree that zapping persons for extended periods is very damaging, which is easy to understand, compare reports about cell phone irradiation.
The perfect weapon, does not kill (immediately), leaves no evidence
If you want people out of the way you cannot use a gun. When you shoot the target there is proof of a bullet and damaged tissue. With current electronic weapons eliminating people is very easy and best of all, elimination is without evidence. When you want to prevent a person from giving a presentation at work, you can heat him up the night before so he will feel sick, give some diareah, make him cough when talking, make him scratch his head, etc. If this was done to you, would you be able to understand this? Probably you would think you just had the worst luck that day. BUT THIS WAS NOT BAD LUCK: YOU WERE INCAPACITATED WITH ELECTRONIC WEAPONS. In other words, you were cooked that day. They also may do this to the target’s children, meaning the target must stay home or go home to take care of his child.
Low power/low intensity is just as damaging to your functioning as a human being
Electronic weapons will not immediately kill you or burn a hole in your body. When you are in a meeting someone in the same room can zap your head with a low intensity device, so you want to scratch your head. Someone may fire an energy burst at your throat so you start coughing when you are doing your presentation. They may mount a microwave weapon in your home aimed at your legs when you are in bed and after a month you have to see a doctor because your feet really hurt. They attack your credibility or have you out of the way during important events. These are all very damaging low power/low intensity applications. You may loose your job, a promotion, your family, etc.
High power/high intensity is horrible torture
If the target understands what is being done to him they will increase frequency and intensities. The target gets cooked by HPM, for example every five minutes he receives a burst making him burp, giving a burning sensation on the back, feeling cooked inside where beam went through, and in case of high intensity there is also a burning sensation where the beam leaves the body. Or they make the target’s body react to what is happening in his surroudings. E.g. everytime a car passes by, the target is zapped so that he will burp or fart at the same time (it takes 1-3 seconds to make make a person burp or fart). Or they burn his intestinals (tailbone) so he will suffer horrible cramps, burn his back with insane intensity when he is in the swimming pool, shoot HPM at him when he is running. THIS HORRIBLE TORTURE IS CALLED PEOPLE COOKING.
Everybody can be a target
In some cases you are just a one time target, and once they they got what they want they will go away. In other cases, you are on a list and must be eliminated, not because you are a bad person but mostly because you just was at the wrong place at the wrong time. If 1-out-of-20 people in your country are connected somehow to the national secret services network (probably much more) then chances are you have co-workers, friends, acquintances who are part of this network. Of course they will not tell you this.
Part of the population is eliminated to let the sick system survive i.e. recruit new agents (murderers), see also the links below. May be you have something they want, e.g. your house is at a strategic position (corner), may be you criticize the policy of your government, may be you are a loner, may be you are an activist, may be you play piano on sunday mornings, may be you know something of some person.
You may argue that the chance you become a target is very small. That is right. But don’t think you cannot become a target if you live a normal life, in fact most persons placed on this list are friendly, non-shooting back persons. You may become a target more easy then get involved in a car accident.
Physical and mental death
If you have been selected to be eliminated, see above, neighbours, co-workers, friends, etc. are recruited and become part of the sick system. The aim is your physical or mental death: suicide, phychiatric patient, criminal, disease caused by irradiation or poisening. Although gang stalking techniques are used for this and are very effective for may be 90% of the cases, the process is significantly speeded by applying electronic weapons. These weapons are used to make a target look like a schizophrenic. If the target does not know about these weapons he may think he has been hit by the fury of God himself. If the target does know, then it is very difficult to convince other people what is done to him.
These weapons have been developed but they did not tell us and did not develop methods to detect these kinds of harassment. Governments/secret services keep electronic weapons out of the media, police is not instructed on what to do with complaints like these.
Covert electronic harassment/torture – examples
It is called covert as the target being burned/cooked has no clue of what is happening.
- Heated body, feeling sick like having the flu
- Headaches that come and suddenly disappear
- Sting sensations like a fly or mosquito
- Blurred vision
- Irresistible coughing
- Very serious diareah
- Heart attack/cramps
- Kidney pain
- Excessive burping
- Excessive farting
- Stomach pain
- Stomach bubbling
- Intestinals cramps
- Pain in the legs
- Pain in ankles
- Heel muscle
- Reduced strength in hands
- Aging the body
- etc.
If you do not know what can be done to you, you will get a wrong diagnose because nothing is wrong with you (in the first place)! You may even get operated.
Covert electronic harassment/torture – How it is applied
Most of this harassment is done the same ways people are gang stalked. If you tell someone about these incidents, they will say: I got the same problem sometimes.
- When you bend over they hit your back
- When you stand on one foot e.g. in the kitchen to get something from a cupboard they hit that foot
- When you turn your head, they hit your neck
- When you sleep they cook your legs so they will feel stiff the next morning
- When you sleep they wake you by cooking your stomach
- When you rub your eyes they blur your vision
- Etc.
Also important is that they ‘help’ the target by making things worst. Example: suppose your left leg becomes painful because you hit a piece of wood by accident. Now, they will zap your leg at the location you feel pain over and over again, including nights, to make you suffer (maximum pain).
Non-covert electronic harassment/torture – examples
It is called non-covert as the target being burned/cooked knows exactly what is happening.
- All mentioned above
- Make your body react (burp/fart) to cars driving by your house
- Burn your anus
- Microwave you with insane intensity (you feel like being cooked alive)
- Shoot you with HPM when on the street
- Burn/cook your body
- Leave visible evidence of their attacks
- Burn your child e.g. in the stomach, then burn you in the stomach
- Burn/cook your children reacting to what you say/do
- Shoot your child in the eye when you dry the face after a shower (to make it appear you hurt them)
- Etc.
Also important is that they ‘get exited’ when the target makes mistakes. Example: suppose you release a software update but something is not correct. Now they will beam you on the head, the back, your child, etc. to drive you out of your mind, insane. Sometimes they wait for a long time just to get a good ‘shot’.
The people cookers belong to sickest species on the planet
As already stated above, the only thing people applying electronic torture have in common with normal people is that they look human. They are murderers and as such there no boundaries for them anymore. It cannot be emphasized enough, the persons applying electronic harassment/torture belong to the sickest species on the planet. I know,other horrible torture also exists, like cutting organs from a living persons. You cannot compare horrible torture, but day-by-day torture by people cooking, including children, certainly is very horrible (the end result being physical or mental death).
The people cookers are part of the psychopaths and murderers that make up your national secret services. We, the normal people, created laws and human rights. The ones who violate these must be jailed. Let’s jail these bastards!
- (in Dutch:
- The Hidden Evil (by Mark Rich)
- The normal people at war with the mentally ill (the murderers and psychopaths)
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(13) – normal people are murdered to keep the system running (the sick system needs blood to survive and expand)
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(9) – use of electronic weapons (including mind invasive technology) to suggest psychiatric problems, schizophrenia
- Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons
- Electronic Torture
- Electronische Wapens (in Dutch)
To all politicians of the world
The only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighbourhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.
Please help to spread the message or donate:
- STOPEG foundation – STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking:
- Stichting STOPEG – STOP Electronische wapens en Groepstalking: (in Dutch)