Peter Mooring on the web
Peter Mooring on the web is a blog about horrible human rights violations by secret services. Using gang stalking techniques and hi-tech electronic weapons (directed energy weapons) every year thousands of people all over the world are tortured and murdered, most of them never knowing what happened. Those who know often suffer horrendous (electronic) torture.
See also: STOPEG foundation,

The people cookers - Cooking people like a microwave oven cooks meat, or here
Electronic harassment and electronic torture list - February 26, 2009

Probably the most horrible consequence of these weapons based on radio waves is that you can NOT protect yourself, your children, your loved ones anymore. You can no longer say: stay in this room, you are safe here. Attackers simply look and cook/burn through walls, with intensities that can be deadly. Police cannot protect you, security services cannot protect you. That is why these weapons must be banned, not tomorrow but NOW.
See also:, STOPEG foundation

Archive for the 'Music' Category

Monday, May 14th, 2018

– The (experts) jury did not value the Italy song – The people of Europe did value the Italy song very much – Israel is not Europe, what are they doing there anyway – Dates when Israel hosted the Song Contest: 1979 – 1999 – 2019 = just a coincidence Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro […]

Friday, December 1st, 2006

Never heard his first CD but Justin Timberlake’s Future Sex-Love Sounds certainly is a master piece. Listen to Prince’s 3121, listen to this one. They must have matching DNA.

Monday, October 16th, 2006

Last year heard a couple of songs but recently got all songs from his latest release. If you love music, you can love these songs.

Friday, September 15th, 2006

Eli is the title of an outstanding album released in 1977 by two outstanding Dutch musicians. Jan Akkerman, once chosen as best guitarist in the world by UK rock magazine Melody Maker, and Caz Lux, vocalist. The sentence ‘left is right and right is wrong’ comes from one of the songs. Once heard, the special […]