Update: May 30, 2009
Never co-operate with secret services. The first thing they do is turn you into a murderer (by making you accessory to their crimes) |
Project Freedom is an initiative of a few people risking their lives to expose the truth about our governments and secret services. I recommend their web pages with all my heart to truth seekers.
Note that one or more participating persons appear to have disappeared/have been eliminated, but let this not stop you from reading and understanding these web pages. The majority of information presented is detailed and correct.
Once again this research shows the real face of our secret services: murderers, pedophiles, degenerates, garbage of society. Let’s expose the bastards.
- Project Freedom (home page)
Other links:
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(15) – start independent investigations so they can be brought to justice and jailed
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(17) – Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers, the crimes they commit belong to the worst crimes in history
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(14) – not just psychopaths and murderers but pedophiles as well!
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(12) – directors of national secret services are mass murders and must be jailed for life (?)
To all politicians of the world
The only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.
Please help to spread the message or donate:
- STOPEG foundation – STOP Electronic weapons and Gang stalking: http://www.STOPEG.com
- Stichting STOPEG – STOP Electronische wapens en Groepstalking: http://www.STOPEG.nl (in Dutch)